Munira Nurbhai, Grade 11
UWCEA Arusha Campus
Dear Diary:
Chameleons are reptiles most known for their distinct range of colors as they are able to shift in different hues and brightness. I can highly relate to a chameleon, you know. No! I can’t change my body color to blue, purple, or pink… Although, I can finally cancel becoming a Smurf off my bucket list… but anyway that is a topic for another day. Me being so indecisive; I changed my major from Accounts-to-Arts-t0-Business-to-Biology.
You must be thinking, Accounts and Business studies are self-explanatory but how did Biology get mixed into this subjects smoothie. You're right, Let me take you down through memory lane.
I had just finished my 8th-grade final exams. Sitting at home with nothing to do during my holidays being an extremely inquisitive person didn't sit well with me.
I asked my parents if I could help out at the shop thinking it would cure my boredom.
Fast forward to 10 days later, I'm still working at the shop but things are different now. I'm looking forward to going to work every single day. Greeting the customers while sitting on the high chair asking them what they want when I know it's going to be gibberish to my ears. The sounds of receipts being cut… a piece of definite music to my ears only to find out that the EDF machine is worse than Vecna himself.
And, OHHH the smell of fresh money like a sudsy cloth infused with musky and fruity accents attracting me to the cash register.
My dad still doesn't trust me as the cashier, as he shouldn't because here I am dreaming about how I will major in accounts once I finish grade 9 after winning ONE award for positioning first. He should be keeping an eye on me like how an Indian mum keeps an eye on the chai when it's boiling, joking…No, I'm not!
I really want to drop out of school and open up a marketing business since I'm always designing when I'm not working, explaining the urge to major in arts.
Don’t worry I won't actually drop out of school, so you can close your mouth for now. The world doesn't need any more pollution. Though I can’t make any promises about not setting my school on fire… Wink wink.
2 years later
I haven't burned down my school yet. Can’t waste my teenage years in jail when I should be making memories. Plot twist, I ended up choosing Science for grades 10 and 11. It took me a river's worth of tears and sweat to realize accounts was not my cup of tea.
As Phil Mcgraw said, “sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right. So here I am suddenly curious about human anatomy, spending hours and hours on my laptop binge-watching grey’s anatomy and asking a million questions to my professor until he asks me to scram. But during all of this, I forgot to make memories and lifelong friendships. Didn't bother reaching out to participate in any extra-curricular activities. Hell, I didn't even try pushing my shy self out there and getting over it.
Through UWC I will be able to challenge myself and broaden my education which will help me get the qualifications I need to get the life I want for myself while also discovering new and hidden skills and talents.
It will allow me to push myself and be out there while surrounding myself with a community that is inclusive and diverse in its thoughts, cultures, and ideas. I will have the opportunity to both academically and socially push my boundaries and learn to embrace myself.
I have never had a chance to explore as well as to not only appreciate my culture but celebrate others. I look forward to continuing to capture the smiles on people's faces. Get better at creating visual content to communicate messages and express my love for volunteering.
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