Liana Starlet, Grade 11
UWC Mostar
I expected to be asked how I wanted to change both my own and the world’s future as a whole when applying to UWC. Prior to coming here my answer would have been well thought out and littered with details, now I’m not so sure. There’s a lot to be said for the times at UWC in which you realize how much needs to change but isn’t currently making much progress. The responsibility to figure out my potential contributions to the general health of the world is mine alone, but UWC has provided the unique position in which I’ve been put. We’re malleable at the stage in our lives in which we begin our UWC education. So impressionable is the mould that is our personalities that each new experience at our schools will lead to some new print on our personalities, whether we realize it or not. The future in which UWC has begun to help me shape is one of idealism with realistic tendencies. The majority of people would agree that ‘world peace’ should be at the top of our list in regards to an ideal world. Although I don’t disagree with this statement, I can’t say I find it entirely realistic to solve this issue if we continue on our current course of both action and inaction. The future in which I would like to see does not hold the same lack of intervention so commonly found in our modern day. The world in which I envision is one I strongly believe UWC is working to create. A reality in which questions born in genuine curiosity may be asked without judgement. Lives surrounded by opportunities to not only gain a deeper understanding of our own cultures, but of countless others as well. My contribution to this mission lies within the small opportunities provided thus far into my UWC experience. Specifically the opportunity to broaden my intercultural understanding outside of the United States, while being fully immersed in a foreign country surrounded by my peers. There’s something deeply intense to be found in living with others whom you have no prior knowledge of their cultures or beliefs, as it provides endless opportunities for confusion and growth. My view expands with each passing conversation as I more clearly realize what my vision for tomorrow is. The peaceful coexistence most UWC students seem to crave will accompany my ideal qualities of genuineness. I believe that no amount of supposed progress will or can be made if it continues to be masked in facades of understanding just for the sake of claiming progress. We as a global community have a responsibility to truly provide each other with a deeper understanding of what it means to be human in different aspects. UWC has fostered this belief throughout my time here. For lack of a less cliche way to phrase this, my tomorrow is being reimagined every day at UWC. What I considered to be sturdy beliefs are being challenged by the conversations and experiences I’m confronted with every day. The number of times I’m going to be tasked with reassessing my tomorrow during my two years here is no doubt going to be never ending, a fact I am facing eagerly as opportunities to grow continue to be presented.
Edited by Keya Shad
Edited by Keya Shad