Ama ObengSakyi, Grade 12
UWC Thailand
Usually English class is boring, untilI I went to UWC. English class was always fun and interactive. We were tasked to watch a movie for class, Parasite, a korean movie that had won awards such as the Palme d’Or. The teachers organised a movie night for us to watch it in the library. We had snacks, and someone ordered a ton of pizzas with coupons. The furniture in the library was shifted around to make a circle around a blank wall just after the entrance. There were bean bags, couches, love seats and yoga mats. There are about 3 different English classes, so those of us who were free were able to show up and help move the furniture around. The movie was played in its original audio, Korean, and we read the subtitles. This was done because usually when movies are translated in English, the script can be a little bit different. And since we were analysing the movie, the original was the best to watch. The movie was absolutely captivating, the filmwork, the music, the script, the acting, all of it. All of us in the room were completely immersed in the storyline, focused on the movie - it was getting towards the end - when we heard a startling loud sound, our teacher vacuuming the carpet. We just started laughing as he stopped and awkwardly held the vacuum stick up. When the movie ended, we gathered around to discuss it. As we asked questions, pointed out things we noticed in different scenes, I realised how intellectual everyone was. We went through the cinematics, the different scenes for different lightings. As we all spoke, the teachers added on as we went along, analysing the movie scene by scene with the little time we had left, since it was getting close to curfew. Seeing everyone’s participation and analysis was inspiring, that people were able to think like that. I felt some sort of pride and awe as I listened to my classmates, like a proud mama. It was amazing what UWC students were capable of. Looking back I realise how impressive it was as well, since most of my classmates had English as their second language. It was an interesting movie plus the talk after, and I’m glad I was there for it.