Allegra Bortoni, Grade 12
UWC Costa Rica
I once read a quote that claimed that we are not solely ourselves, and I couldn’t agree more.
I am the place where I was born and raised.
I’m the someones I’ve met and the conversations I’ve held.
The books I have read, the movies I’ve watched, and the music I have heard.
I’m a mirror of my surroundings and a scrapbook of collected records.
However, after being surrounded by these wonderful people, I have now discovered how it feels to be the most myself thanks to you all. The following short love letters are directed to remarkable beings I have had the honor to share memories with, and who have also taught me irreplaceable lessons and values by just being who they are. They will only be addressed by their initials. Second years and first years are homogeneously embedded within these sentences. If one of them gets to read this, I hope you can recognize the bit of yourself that I have tried to capture through my eyes and my words. I send you a hug to wherever (and whenever) you get to read these lines if you ever get to read them.
To S:
You were the first person outside of my continent I had ever had the chance to talk to. I spoke to you while the stars shone above me and you responded when the sun had just started to awaken you. The thirteen hour difference turned out to be no burden. I looked forward to your arrival on campus and fondly remember the afternoons we spent decorating your room. You showed me unconditional kindness and comprehension. Thank you, I love you.
To H:
People typically admire your outstanding commitment to every activity you get involved in, and I am, definitely one of them. I also notice the prints of effort you leave behind you, even when sometimes you don’t notice them yourself. Practical, concrete, and focused. Even though we sometimes spent a significant amount of time away from each other due to our different tasks and occupations to complete, I remember fondly how we hugged and rested our heads on each other's shoulders when we had to attend extensive meetings. Thank you, I love you.
To I:
You have an extraordinary presence, in a way in which you always stand out wherever you go. We probably didn’t talk more than twice or thrice, but I constantly noticed you from afar. Your connection with people and nature reflects a spirituality I had never encountered before. It’s as if your shining soul is always exposed to your surroundings, not buried deep within yourself as most of us. You taught me that doing our best is always enough, no matter what the ending results turn out to be. Thank you, I love you.
To G:
It is unavoidable to smile whenever someone gets to spend some time with you. You possess the effortless and natural ability to make people wholeheartedly laugh. You unintentionally make people feel better, I consider you a somewhat unconscious healer. Of course, your sense of humor is immaculate and you give the best hugs. Thank you, I love you.
To T:
I consider our core memories to be those late-night conversations held at the library when the crickets and the cicadas were the only occasional noise that could be heard past those glass doors. You indirectly taught me the value of diligence, and perseverance while you spent continuous long hours pouring outstanding dedication and attention to detail into every project and assignment you started. You also have the charm of making people feel listened to. Some of the best conversations I have ever had have definitely been shared with you. Thank you, I love you.
To F:
I relate you with creative and comfort energy. You have shown to be able to express yourself beautifully and gracefully through any media you choose. Film, photography, poetry, narrative, or illustration. They are all equally magnificent. Through your actions, you have shown me caring and thoughtful handling, strength, and positivity. Thank you, I love you.
To C:
As one could expect from a professional chess player, I have learned patience, tranquility in the face of catastrophe rationality, and the value of self-care from being around you. I cherish the playlist we built together and the nights spent behind a film projector. I appreciate how easy it is to make you laugh, and how you have the power to make those around you feel peaceful. Thank you, I love you.
To A:
We met in August, but it would hold more truth to say we met in December. I take with me the spots we visited during those vacations, the time spent at the beach house, and the online classes taken side by side sharing the same laptop. You taught me the value of spontaneity. I like how genuine and brilliant you are. Thank you, I love you.
To Y:
Uniqueness is one of the words that I would use to describe you. Even your gait is particularly recognizable from afar (you know why). You are also one of the people who strive in silence and practice devotedness in everything you get yourself into. You have a memorable smile and personality, thank you for occasionally keeping us company in classroom five. “I hope you are happy”. Thank you, I love you
To M:
From the beginning, you recognized the difficulties that awaited, and decided to continue anyways. I know it hasn’t been easy for you, but all of us have seen you grow and prosper in more ways than you can imagine. Thank you for your night visits and greetings of motivation. You have taught me perseverance more than anyone else. I admire you. Thank you, I love you.
To J:
One of the most pure-hearted people I have had the pleasure of meeting. You make the people that surround you feel constantly loved and appreciated. You always carry with you the best attitude to any circumstances you are situated in. Thank you for making each and every single trip an unforgettable experience, also, your cakes, cookies and casual recipes are unmatched. Thank you, I love you.
To P & F:
Shared dinners, sleep-overs, and international flights are only a tiny fraction of the fond encounters that will never leave my mind. Both of you made me feel safe and at home whenever I was with you (and even before we had physically met). Your listening and advice made my experience significantly better. You taught me loyalty, support, and how to seize the moment. Thank you, I deeply love you.
I am the place where I was born and raised.
I’m the someones I’ve met and the conversations I’ve held.
The books I have read, the movies I’ve watched, and the music I have heard.
I’m a mirror of my surroundings and a scrapbook of collected records.
However, after being surrounded by these wonderful people, I have now discovered how it feels to be the most myself thanks to you all. The following short love letters are directed to remarkable beings I have had the honor to share memories with, and who have also taught me irreplaceable lessons and values by just being who they are. They will only be addressed by their initials. Second years and first years are homogeneously embedded within these sentences. If one of them gets to read this, I hope you can recognize the bit of yourself that I have tried to capture through my eyes and my words. I send you a hug to wherever (and whenever) you get to read these lines if you ever get to read them.
To S:
You were the first person outside of my continent I had ever had the chance to talk to. I spoke to you while the stars shone above me and you responded when the sun had just started to awaken you. The thirteen hour difference turned out to be no burden. I looked forward to your arrival on campus and fondly remember the afternoons we spent decorating your room. You showed me unconditional kindness and comprehension. Thank you, I love you.
To H:
People typically admire your outstanding commitment to every activity you get involved in, and I am, definitely one of them. I also notice the prints of effort you leave behind you, even when sometimes you don’t notice them yourself. Practical, concrete, and focused. Even though we sometimes spent a significant amount of time away from each other due to our different tasks and occupations to complete, I remember fondly how we hugged and rested our heads on each other's shoulders when we had to attend extensive meetings. Thank you, I love you.
To I:
You have an extraordinary presence, in a way in which you always stand out wherever you go. We probably didn’t talk more than twice or thrice, but I constantly noticed you from afar. Your connection with people and nature reflects a spirituality I had never encountered before. It’s as if your shining soul is always exposed to your surroundings, not buried deep within yourself as most of us. You taught me that doing our best is always enough, no matter what the ending results turn out to be. Thank you, I love you.
To G:
It is unavoidable to smile whenever someone gets to spend some time with you. You possess the effortless and natural ability to make people wholeheartedly laugh. You unintentionally make people feel better, I consider you a somewhat unconscious healer. Of course, your sense of humor is immaculate and you give the best hugs. Thank you, I love you.
To T:
I consider our core memories to be those late-night conversations held at the library when the crickets and the cicadas were the only occasional noise that could be heard past those glass doors. You indirectly taught me the value of diligence, and perseverance while you spent continuous long hours pouring outstanding dedication and attention to detail into every project and assignment you started. You also have the charm of making people feel listened to. Some of the best conversations I have ever had have definitely been shared with you. Thank you, I love you.
To F:
I relate you with creative and comfort energy. You have shown to be able to express yourself beautifully and gracefully through any media you choose. Film, photography, poetry, narrative, or illustration. They are all equally magnificent. Through your actions, you have shown me caring and thoughtful handling, strength, and positivity. Thank you, I love you.
To C:
As one could expect from a professional chess player, I have learned patience, tranquility in the face of catastrophe rationality, and the value of self-care from being around you. I cherish the playlist we built together and the nights spent behind a film projector. I appreciate how easy it is to make you laugh, and how you have the power to make those around you feel peaceful. Thank you, I love you.
To A:
We met in August, but it would hold more truth to say we met in December. I take with me the spots we visited during those vacations, the time spent at the beach house, and the online classes taken side by side sharing the same laptop. You taught me the value of spontaneity. I like how genuine and brilliant you are. Thank you, I love you.
To Y:
Uniqueness is one of the words that I would use to describe you. Even your gait is particularly recognizable from afar (you know why). You are also one of the people who strive in silence and practice devotedness in everything you get yourself into. You have a memorable smile and personality, thank you for occasionally keeping us company in classroom five. “I hope you are happy”. Thank you, I love you
To M:
From the beginning, you recognized the difficulties that awaited, and decided to continue anyways. I know it hasn’t been easy for you, but all of us have seen you grow and prosper in more ways than you can imagine. Thank you for your night visits and greetings of motivation. You have taught me perseverance more than anyone else. I admire you. Thank you, I love you.
To J:
One of the most pure-hearted people I have had the pleasure of meeting. You make the people that surround you feel constantly loved and appreciated. You always carry with you the best attitude to any circumstances you are situated in. Thank you for making each and every single trip an unforgettable experience, also, your cakes, cookies and casual recipes are unmatched. Thank you, I love you.
To P & F:
Shared dinners, sleep-overs, and international flights are only a tiny fraction of the fond encounters that will never leave my mind. Both of you made me feel safe and at home whenever I was with you (and even before we had physically met). Your listening and advice made my experience significantly better. You taught me loyalty, support, and how to seize the moment. Thank you, I deeply love you.