Insiya Mohamedali, Grade 12
UWCEA Arusha
- Thank you to the cells in my body that are working to keep me alive. This body is and has been my ally since day 1. This body casts unconditional love into every limb, every curve, and every stretch. This body has always chosen me even when I haven’t chosen it. This body holds me.
- Thank you for all those little moments that have allowed me to listen deeply so that I can hear the voice of my inner child and the voices of the spirit guiding me toward what we're here to do.
- Thank you for the courage I have built to show up in all of my many revolutions. The courage that pushes me to act in opposition of the systems and programs that aren't serving me but instead to anchor in a reality that I want to exist within through my actions.
- Thank you for the healing love I pour onto all beings everywhere, both those who I've remembered and forgotten. The same love that is poured on to me in order to allow me to show up in community with ease and presence.
- Thank you for teaching me how to be more unconditionally loving to those who see things differently than I do. I am kept fascinated by the vastness of each being and our inner-worlds.
- Thank you for this human life and this awareness that we get to cast upon everything that comes and goes. I practice stillness and solitude. I effortlessly surrender to the sensations in my body basking in the total splender of each moment.
- Thank you for giving us the tools to navigate all these planes of being. Any time I feel distant from the safety of my own, I know that my soul is aching for that deep intimacy with itself again. I have learnt that it is not life that exhausts me but it is having surface level conversations or spending more time in the level of the thinking mind rather than the feeling body.
- Thank you for the ability to alchemize, for the ability to zoom out and into every perspective and create moments of feeling fully worthy in every single aspect of my reality. I release every story and conditioning as a practice to feel healing and reclamation of the self again.
- Thank you for all these angels in my life, those that make my heart feel a little softer and more free. These moments of love and tenderness make up my grand becoming.
- Thank you for this love that we so inherently carry.